Friday 4 January 2019

2019 - Is A 'New You' Really Needed?

Many people make New Year’s resolutions, such as to lose weight, join the gym, learn a new language, or to find a partner...everybody’s lists vary. We are inundated with promises of a 'new year and new you' by advertisements on television, through to our social media feeds and others around us, with plenty of promises that ‘2019 will be your year’. I definitely believe it can be, if you choose to go about it the right way!

At Dating Agency and Singles Club RSVP, we always have an influx of people enquiring to join over Christmas and New Year. Whilst it is always good to see a new calendar year as time for a fresh start and be inspired to set new goals, it goes without saying that you have to be realistic to make it past January. Signing up for the gym with the view to going 3 times a week won’t make you lose 2 stone in 3 months, if you don’t actually attend the gym. A New Year’s resolution isn’t completed by one act or impulse; you have to continually put the effort in to see the results. The same thing can be said for dating.

What we would suggest is to start small and to be kind to yourself along the way. If 2019 is the year you want to kick start your dating journey, joining RSVP is a great first step. In addition to the many benefits of our dating agency, there are different membership packages you can choose from. For example, you could become a Singles Events member and aim for one of our fabulous singles events each week. Whilst we are happy for you to attend more, we believe it is good to start small and build yourself up. Or, if you are looking for Introductions and need more support on your dating journey, we would recommend our Platinum Introduction Agency membership, where you have your very own Dating PA who can support you through your dating journey, making it easier for you to succeed.

Finally, there are two things everyone can do that often get overlooked when dating.
  1. A positive and open-minded attitude will help you in your dating journey the most. Not only will it offer more opportunities; it can help you enjoy yourself more along the way.
  2. Be realistic in who you are, what you have to offer, what your expectations are and how you can move forward.
To get your 2019 dating journey under way, simply provide a few details about yourself and someone from our friendly team will give you a call.

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