Tuesday 5 June 2018

Six Things that I Have Learnt About Love After a Year Working at RSVP

I am celebrating one year as part of the Head office team at RSVP Dating Agency and Singles Club and I have seen countless happy-ever-after stories. When I tell people what I do, they are fascinated and ask lots of questions. Here are six things that I have learned about love in the last year.

1) Members who join us with an open mind and a positive attitude are the ones who typically meet someone faster - and get more out of their introductions and our singles events. If you are unhappy and resentful because you are not in a relationship, this attitude won’t encourage people to want to be in a relationship with you.

2) People don’t always know what they want until they find it. On occasions, we come across members who have a shopping list of what they think they want. If on paper their matches don’t tick every box, they don’t seem so interested. I will always suggest that you meet as many people as you can and you will be surprised that what you thought you wanted originally might change. At RSVP we write your profile for you; we have been doing this for 25 years and we know exactly what kind of profiles work well.

3)  ‘I am a young  58’. Believe me when I say we hear this multiple times every day. What does that even mean? In theory, we live in a far more ageless society than ever before. However, the whole age issue has stopped countless romances that could have been wonderful. Members who won’t date anyone older than them are undoubtedly shooting themselves in the foot. If you met someone in a pub, you wouldn’t know their age. Yes, we will tell your introductions your real age and you will know their real age. Would you prefer to be matched with someone who is fit and active who happens to be 3 years older than you with a young and modern attitude? Or would you rather see someone who is 8 years younger than you who isn’t active and behaves older?

4) Dating is a numbers game. The more people you meet, the more likely you are to find 'the one'. We want to help you find the right partner as quickly as possible, so don’t put all of your eggs in one basket; it is quite normal to be talking to different people and arranging a couple of different dates until you both choose to become exclusive or you become intimate. Mixing introductions with our singles events will increase your chances of meeting a partner.

5) Have realistic expectations about a potential partner. Did you know the average dress size for ladies in the UK is size 16 and the average height for men is 5ft 9in? So if you are a gentleman wanting a lady no bigger than a size 10, you'll inadventently exclude more than half of potential matches. Likewise if you are a lady looking for a man over 6 foot tall with a full head of hair. Dating agencies are often the haunt of second timers; and if it is a long time since you were previously single, you'll need to adjust your expectations from what you expected previously when you were 25.

6) It only takes one right person to make all of those bad dates seem like a lifetime ago. We have had members go from ‘I am giving up and I’m not going to date for a while’ to ‘this is the one and thank you’ within a week. If your current dating method is not working for you,  get in touch and arrange an appointment with one of our expert dating consultants.

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