We decided to go ahead with the event despite the forecast of snow and although three people decided not to risk the weather, the rest of the group of 16 made it to the venue and we had a superb meal and good conversation - that's what we want from our singles events! I can certainly recommend this venue!

I took a quick picture of Roland clearing the car - you can see the nice, warm restaurant in the background and you can just pick out Michael's landrover, our hero of the night - see below!
Most of the members managed to get away okay but we did have to tow one lady out of the drift and I was really impressed by a chap who lived on the road who came out to help us - a real good Samaritan. After several attempts at driving herself home, we eventually had to conclude that she wasn't going to make it home. So, one of our members, the lovely Michael, offered to drive her all the way home (in the opposite direction). He eventually arrived back at his home at 2.30am.
So having spent about two hours making sure everyone left okay, Roland and I set off on our journey back home. Luckily, we have four wheel drive and snow tyres! This doesn't really help, though, when the rest of the traffic can't move - as we discovered when we got to Huntingdon on the A14, where we found ourselves stuck in a queue (after an hour of waiting, we found it was caused by lorries unable to get up a hill). Thankfully, we had come prepared and put blankets and a flask of hot water in the car, so we were kitted out for the worst - spending the night in the car. However, we were relieved and very grateful to the police, who eventually managed to clear one lane so we were able to continue home, arriving around 3am!
We slept well!
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