This morning I read an article
that saddened me greatly. It was reported in the Evening Standard that MilesDonnelly murdered a single mother after meeting her through online dating siteOasis.
Rather than slam internet dating
and harp on about the importance of keeping ourselves safe online, I would like
to take a moment to send our thoughts and prayers to the family of the victim
Usha Patel.
It is with great sadness that
when women are faced with the harsh reality of single life with a young child
in tow, our need for attention heightens, which can leave us wide open to many
situations that would appear out of character.
After all, we all want to be
liked and ultimately loved, so we will put in that extra effort and take the
risk. Sometimes this pays off and we met that person who makes our eyes dance
and heart sing. Not all stories end tragically; the blame here lies only with
the individual who stole a mother from a young child.
Tomorrow isn’t promised; cherish
today; we never expect to need an emergency plan. However, the route of using a
traditional dating agency like RSVP, where every member has been met,
will definitely deter those with criminal intent and will help set your mind at
ease. Knowledge is power; I strongly urge all daters to research traditional
offline agencies through the Association of British Introduction Agencies.
RSVP offer our deepest
sympathies to friends and family of Usha.
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