These days there are lots of different ways to find yourself a partner, so why should you use a matchmaker when this can be seen by some as a traditional, somewhat old-fashioned route to meeting people? In this internet age, it can seem an odd decision to liberate yourself from your pc and talk to a matchmaker about the type of person you are looking for, but there are some real benefits in shutting off your laptop and taking the time to talk to the
professionals at a reputable dating agency. Here are just some of the many reasons why:
Experience and knowledge
Professional matchmakers are experts in the field of helping people find partners. They get to know you on a one-on-one basis and are then able to guide you through the process of finding the right relationship for you. They can then make recommendations for introductions to you based on:
the criteria you have stated
your own personality
what you are looking for in a partner long term
Matchmakers make it is their business to get to know you: your wants, needs and desires.
Your matchmaker will only introduce you to the sorts of people you are likely to be interested in. They will not release your contact information or photo to anyone without your permission. By using a matchmaker no one, your boss or colleagues at work, your ex, or your family members, will know you are looking for a partner unless, of course, you tell them.
No one wants to meet a perfect stranger. Your matchmaker has spoken with, met and checked the i.d. of everyone you are introduced to. Because of this, you can explore romance without fear or worry. It also means that you can avoid the need for corny chat up lines in bars or at the gym. And of course you also have the benefit of knowing that the person you are meeting is actually looking for the same thing as you!
Focused and tailored for you
Your matchmaker gets to know you and bases your introductions on your personality, lifestyle, likes, dislikes and values. Remember, it’s an iterative process, they will also build up a picture of what you are looking for as you provide feedback after each meeting. In this way, they get to know you and understand exactly who will be a suitable match.
Saving You Time
You don't have to spend countless hours browsing thousands of online profiles, writing dozens of introduction e-mails, allowing you to save your energy for the actual date.
Independent Profiles
Dating profiles are written by the adviser that has met with you at your introductory meeting. This means that you know all the profiles you see have been written by a third party and are based on what the adviser saw when they met them in person. A good matchmaker will also be able to flesh out the profile for you based on what they have got to know about your introduction since they joined. The added benefit is that you don’t need to try and think how to best portray yourself, you can let someone else do that for you.
Everybody is single!
It’s where all the serious professional people are going to find a partner, so it makes sense to head to the same place yourself!
Avoid the games
People who use a matchmaking service want to find a partner and are serious enough to have paid a professional to help them do that. Just think: no more second guessing or wasting your time with game players – you can meet other like-minded singles who are interested in a relationship
A final reality check
But remember, matchmakers aren’t miracle workers and they cannot make something that doesn’t exist. There’s a difference between looking for the partner of your dreams and living in a dream world. At the end of the day, a matchmaker can only introduce you to some great people who you are likely to feel a connection with, they cannot make the chemistry happen for you.
This means that you won’t always find love with the first match you meet, or possibly even the sixth, although many do find love on the first date!
Joining an agency is about being in the right place at the right time – if you aren’t on the books when Mr or Mrs Right comes along you can’t be there to meet them!